Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nuan Natsumi Wong: Quadronica

Synthetic Humanoid Articulated Robotic Cybernetically Enhanced Individual (SHARCEI) #4.
Codenamed: Quadronica.




HEIGHT: 174 cm (5.70866 ft)

WEIGHT: 287 lbs.

AGE: Approx 15-16.

A normal girl with normal knees living a normal life in the fictional city of Saintsgate, Brightlake and attending Palm Valley Academy For Girls. She was an exceptional student, top of her classes, but nothing superhuman. Nuan enjoyed playing sports and working on school projects and on the student council.

Nuan admired the Supers like everyone else and she enjoyed dressing up like one every now and then, attended conventions and drew them for fun.

One day when she was leaving a movie with her friends and walking through the park to stretch their legs on the way back to the Academy, she noticed hooded men in black began following them. The girls sped up their walk and then soon broke into a run only to be cut off by another group of them.

The girls tried to talk their way out of it. No luck. The men didn't even respond. With no way to talk their way out of this, Nuan kicked up a large nearby stick, raised it up and struck one of the men with it. It broke apart without doing any apparent damage. Naturally she immediately followed this by attempting to kick him in the balls but she just hurt her foot.

The girls tried to put up a fight but they were quickly overpowered. Nuan's friends were knocked unconscious and drugged with something to induce short term amnesia and Nuan was dragged away.

Nuan was taken to a laboratory where she would be subjected to revolutionary cybernetic experimentation. As this mystery organization began remodeling her body, the Heroes were contacted about the missing girl when she didn't show up at school and all of her data was mysteriously wiped. 

The investigation took awhile but they eventually tracked down some of the hooded men and captured them only to discover they were in fact robots!

This worked fine though as with the robots captured they were able to use their memory banks to find out where they'd taken the people they'd been abducting.

A team of heroes was assembled and a raid on the base was conducted. They had to fight their way through an army of guards and machines and a tricked out security system but they finally found their way into the labs where Nuan was being held in a capsule alongside three others as the computers brainwashed her while the capsule ran diagnostics on her cybernetic body until reliability could be confirmed.

As they were coming up with a plan to free them however, three of the cyborgs, (Unos, Bionica and Trionicon) were activated and exited the capsules and transformed into their armored forms and attacked the heroes. The cyborgs managed to give a decent fight to the heroes, admittedly because they were trying to restrain them without hurting them, but they heroes were ultimately able to restrain them, save Nuan and take the files from the labs and shut it down.

Nuan and the other cyborgs were taken to HQ while the criminals were arrested. It took a lot of time but they were able to mostly undo the reprogramming.

The blueprints to the cyborgs were shockingly advanced with Nuan being the most advanced of the four as shown above.

Sadly very little of her was even human anymore after all of her augmentations but they were able to save Nuan's sense of self.

After spending a prolonged time with the heroes Nuan attempted to resume her normal life but while she was delighted to see her old friends again, she discovered that she didn't quite fit in with normal humans anymore.

In class she could answer questions automatically and breezed through them with her advanced intelligence.

Running track? She casually lapped the others without trying.

Playing sports? She could run circles around everyone and easily out perform the rest of the school.

Even the advanced classes were too easy for her now.

All this on top of constantly analyzing the data of everything around her.

After graduating early with the best grades in every class, Nuan left to join the new young hero team being set up by The Chase Siblings.

The Hero Prodigy Alliance.



Nuan is a Nanotech Augmented Cyborg filled with some of the most advanced technology in the world that grants her superhuman abilities.

Among the augmentations and modifications of her body can be found the following.

1: Sensors attached to the back of her head and around her body allow her to sense the air flow around her body. A cyborg spider-sense essentially.

2: Neodymium Magnets inside of the fingertips allow her to feel energy fields, wi-fi and radio waves. Tiny cameras installed with the fingers allow her to see with her fingers.

3: Smart Bandages can monitor and record vital signs and even deliver drugs through the skin.

4: Electronic Tattoos printed directly on the skin serve as real time health monitors.

5:  Micro-Binocular Ocular System enables multi-spectrum and zoom in vision system along with being able to detect normally invisible stimuli.

6: Transcranial Dirrect Current Stimulation delivers a small current through the skull to improve cognitive performances.

7: Extra Sensory Perception Nullification Artificial Skull protects Nuan from psionic mental intrusion.

8: Her skin was coated with a layer of Artificial Selenreil Nano-Fluid to hyper strengthen it.

9: Her bones were coated in
kusnuntine Metal.

10: Nanite Injections hyper strengthened Her Muscles.

11: Organs deemed Redundant Were Removed And Replaced With Further Cybernetic Modifications.

12: Elec Engine Installed In Her Body Grants Nuan Electrical Energy Blasts.

And Several Others. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Zachariah Skye: Devil Boy



A Demon Infected.

Long story short? Demons exist in the form of supernatural lifeforms native to various Hell dimensions separate from Earth. Though individual powers vary between different demon species, most of them possess greater strength, endurance and natural abilities than humans.

It should also be noted that demons, due to coming from a different dimensions from humans, carry within their bloodstreams certain pathogens. Should these pathogens get into the bloodstream of a human, the results can be unpredictable.

Such as in the case of Zachariah Skye!

You ever seen those monster movies where some crazy supernatural stuff starts happening and a demon beast starts stalking a random family or going on a killing spree around a city or neighborhood for whatever reason? Well that happened to Zachariah Skye!

Long story short, the town of Gunbank accidentally released a long sealed HellBeast held in an underground tomb.

The HellBeast, Thogrokath, proceeded to go on a bloody rampage through Gunbank until the townspeople discovered it and banded together to stop it.

It took all of the ammunition in the town, the police, the SWAT Teams, the town militia, trucks ramming, cars ramming it, gas explosions, power tools, farm equipment utilized in creative ways, holy water, blessings from the church, improvised flamethrowers, grenades, axes and a crowbar but they DID manage to kill it.


It was not an easy fight either. It took literally everything the towns people had to kill the demon AFTER it had already been weakened from being sealed away for centuries and they still took heavy losses. The police and swat were all but completely wiped out and the towns improvised militia didn't fare any better nor did the church people. It was only after they'd exhausted just about every single option that it finally was wounded and exhausted enough to be killed. With all of their ammunition exhausted, Zachariah went for the last option they had available and scooped up the last remaining bottle of holy water, poured it over an axe and went on the attack with it. He was hacking and slashing at its neck like a madman and the monster still completely thrashed him.

The fight between them was short but brutal and left Zachariah covered in wounds but he finally brought it down and then he pried its head off a crowbar and stomped it into the mulch.

However, the fight left him covered in graphic wounds from head to toe and all that fighting resulted in the demon's blood getting into his open wounds.

Zachariah blacked out after the fight and fell into a coma for several weeks and when he finally woke up he found himself inside of an extremely advanced hospital room with multiple high-tech machines around and on him and magical wards covering the room. It was utterly bizarre and he didn't understand of it. Zachariah felt stronger than ever but he still couldn't move even an inch.

After a few minutes a darkly beautiful gothic woman entered into the room and introduced herself as Death Dealer of The Protectors.

After his initial freakout she calmed him down and explained to him what had happened.

She's impressed that they managed to kill a HellBeast even if it was in a weakened state and the heroes and the government agents saved everyone they could but there were some complications. Namely he was covered in demon blood from head to toe.

Considering his condition when they found him she could reasonable assume he was heavily wounded in the fight and while the demon blood did heal his wounds by the time they got there, he was already infected with Hellborne Pathogens.

Now they did manage to save him but the damage was done. The Pathogens had begun mutating his body into a Demon.


The IV Feed had Holy Water as well as various other magical medicines mixed in with it which halted the progression of the mutation for now and a special suit was being developed utilizing magitech methods which would keep his mutation in check for now.

However, he was also warned that he must keep his reliance and the temptation on the dark power of the demon  out of his mind. Because the more he relies on its power the worse the infection will become.

She could give him training in how to control his powers but it would not be easy and he would have to remain inside of this room until his containment suit was complete.

The training was indeed as hard as she warned it would be. The kind of physical training that would destroy a human body combined with strict mental discipline sessions and long hours of study into demonology and the occult all while wearing a techno-magic suit that made it extremely difficult to even move while also dampening his demonic powers for his own safety.

The final exam involved being transported to an island in another dimension covered in monsters and man-eating plants to survive while Death Sentence watched over him and mentally quizzed him over all of his knowledge.

He passed with flying colors and he was finally allowed to become her sidekick for awhile until he heard about a team being assembled by The Chase Siblings and decided to look into it.


Demonically Enhanced Physiology.

User with this ability either is or can transform into a demon, an evil spirit, fallen angel or Satanic divinity. Most commonly user retains their general form but with some additions; horns, claws, fangs and tail are common, as are wings, more fit (muscular and/or larger) body and color change (red, blue or black dominate) but there are several kinds of demons who are far less humanoid, varying from strange, surreal or even absolutely horrific.

Their  physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over others in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than regular beings (in that verse).