Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nuan Natsumi Wong: Quadronica

Synthetic Humanoid Articulated Robotic Cybernetically Enhanced Individual (SHARCEI) #4.
Codenamed: Quadronica.




HEIGHT: 174 cm (5.70866 ft)

WEIGHT: 287 lbs.

AGE: Approx 15-16.

A normal girl with normal knees living a normal life in the fictional city of Saintsgate, Brightlake and attending Palm Valley Academy For Girls. She was an exceptional student, top of her classes, but nothing superhuman. Nuan enjoyed playing sports and working on school projects and on the student council.

Nuan admired the Supers like everyone else and she enjoyed dressing up like one every now and then, attended conventions and drew them for fun.

One day when she was leaving a movie with her friends and walking through the park to stretch their legs on the way back to the Academy, she noticed hooded men in black began following them. The girls sped up their walk and then soon broke into a run only to be cut off by another group of them.

The girls tried to talk their way out of it. No luck. The men didn't even respond. With no way to talk their way out of this, Nuan kicked up a large nearby stick, raised it up and struck one of the men with it. It broke apart without doing any apparent damage. Naturally she immediately followed this by attempting to kick him in the balls but she just hurt her foot.

The girls tried to put up a fight but they were quickly overpowered. Nuan's friends were knocked unconscious and drugged with something to induce short term amnesia and Nuan was dragged away.

Nuan was taken to a laboratory where she would be subjected to revolutionary cybernetic experimentation. As this mystery organization began remodeling her body, the Heroes were contacted about the missing girl when she didn't show up at school and all of her data was mysteriously wiped. 

The investigation took awhile but they eventually tracked down some of the hooded men and captured them only to discover they were in fact robots!

This worked fine though as with the robots captured they were able to use their memory banks to find out where they'd taken the people they'd been abducting.

A team of heroes was assembled and a raid on the base was conducted. They had to fight their way through an army of guards and machines and a tricked out security system but they finally found their way into the labs where Nuan was being held in a capsule alongside three others as the computers brainwashed her while the capsule ran diagnostics on her cybernetic body until reliability could be confirmed.

As they were coming up with a plan to free them however, three of the cyborgs, (Unos, Bionica and Trionicon) were activated and exited the capsules and transformed into their armored forms and attacked the heroes. The cyborgs managed to give a decent fight to the heroes, admittedly because they were trying to restrain them without hurting them, but they heroes were ultimately able to restrain them, save Nuan and take the files from the labs and shut it down.

Nuan and the other cyborgs were taken to HQ while the criminals were arrested. It took a lot of time but they were able to mostly undo the reprogramming.

The blueprints to the cyborgs were shockingly advanced with Nuan being the most advanced of the four as shown above.

Sadly very little of her was even human anymore after all of her augmentations but they were able to save Nuan's sense of self.

After spending a prolonged time with the heroes Nuan attempted to resume her normal life but while she was delighted to see her old friends again, she discovered that she didn't quite fit in with normal humans anymore.

In class she could answer questions automatically and breezed through them with her advanced intelligence.

Running track? She casually lapped the others without trying.

Playing sports? She could run circles around everyone and easily out perform the rest of the school.

Even the advanced classes were too easy for her now.

All this on top of constantly analyzing the data of everything around her.

After graduating early with the best grades in every class, Nuan left to join the new young hero team being set up by The Chase Siblings.

The Hero Prodigy Alliance.



Nuan is a Nanotech Augmented Cyborg filled with some of the most advanced technology in the world that grants her superhuman abilities.

Among the augmentations and modifications of her body can be found the following.

1: Sensors attached to the back of her head and around her body allow her to sense the air flow around her body. A cyborg spider-sense essentially.

2: Neodymium Magnets inside of the fingertips allow her to feel energy fields, wi-fi and radio waves. Tiny cameras installed with the fingers allow her to see with her fingers.

3: Smart Bandages can monitor and record vital signs and even deliver drugs through the skin.

4: Electronic Tattoos printed directly on the skin serve as real time health monitors.

5:  Micro-Binocular Ocular System enables multi-spectrum and zoom in vision system along with being able to detect normally invisible stimuli.

6: Transcranial Dirrect Current Stimulation delivers a small current through the skull to improve cognitive performances.

7: Extra Sensory Perception Nullification Artificial Skull protects Nuan from psionic mental intrusion.

8: Her skin was coated with a layer of Artificial Selenreil Nano-Fluid to hyper strengthen it.

9: Her bones were coated in
kusnuntine Metal.

10: Nanite Injections hyper strengthened Her Muscles.

11: Organs deemed Redundant Were Removed And Replaced With Further Cybernetic Modifications.

12: Elec Engine Installed In Her Body Grants Nuan Electrical Energy Blasts.

And Several Others. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Zachariah Skye: Devil Boy



A Demon Infected.

Long story short? Demons exist in the form of supernatural lifeforms native to various Hell dimensions separate from Earth. Though individual powers vary between different demon species, most of them possess greater strength, endurance and natural abilities than humans.

It should also be noted that demons, due to coming from a different dimensions from humans, carry within their bloodstreams certain pathogens. Should these pathogens get into the bloodstream of a human, the results can be unpredictable.

Such as in the case of Zachariah Skye!

You ever seen those monster movies where some crazy supernatural stuff starts happening and a demon beast starts stalking a random family or going on a killing spree around a city or neighborhood for whatever reason? Well that happened to Zachariah Skye!

Long story short, the town of Gunbank accidentally released a long sealed HellBeast held in an underground tomb.

The HellBeast, Thogrokath, proceeded to go on a bloody rampage through Gunbank until the townspeople discovered it and banded together to stop it.

It took all of the ammunition in the town, the police, the SWAT Teams, the town militia, trucks ramming, cars ramming it, gas explosions, power tools, farm equipment utilized in creative ways, holy water, blessings from the church, improvised flamethrowers, grenades, axes and a crowbar but they DID manage to kill it.


It was not an easy fight either. It took literally everything the towns people had to kill the demon AFTER it had already been weakened from being sealed away for centuries and they still took heavy losses. The police and swat were all but completely wiped out and the towns improvised militia didn't fare any better nor did the church people. It was only after they'd exhausted just about every single option that it finally was wounded and exhausted enough to be killed. With all of their ammunition exhausted, Zachariah went for the last option they had available and scooped up the last remaining bottle of holy water, poured it over an axe and went on the attack with it. He was hacking and slashing at its neck like a madman and the monster still completely thrashed him.

The fight between them was short but brutal and left Zachariah covered in wounds but he finally brought it down and then he pried its head off a crowbar and stomped it into the mulch.

However, the fight left him covered in graphic wounds from head to toe and all that fighting resulted in the demon's blood getting into his open wounds.

Zachariah blacked out after the fight and fell into a coma for several weeks and when he finally woke up he found himself inside of an extremely advanced hospital room with multiple high-tech machines around and on him and magical wards covering the room. It was utterly bizarre and he didn't understand of it. Zachariah felt stronger than ever but he still couldn't move even an inch.

After a few minutes a darkly beautiful gothic woman entered into the room and introduced herself as Death Dealer of The Protectors.

After his initial freakout she calmed him down and explained to him what had happened.

She's impressed that they managed to kill a HellBeast even if it was in a weakened state and the heroes and the government agents saved everyone they could but there were some complications. Namely he was covered in demon blood from head to toe.

Considering his condition when they found him she could reasonable assume he was heavily wounded in the fight and while the demon blood did heal his wounds by the time they got there, he was already infected with Hellborne Pathogens.

Now they did manage to save him but the damage was done. The Pathogens had begun mutating his body into a Demon.


The IV Feed had Holy Water as well as various other magical medicines mixed in with it which halted the progression of the mutation for now and a special suit was being developed utilizing magitech methods which would keep his mutation in check for now.

However, he was also warned that he must keep his reliance and the temptation on the dark power of the demon  out of his mind. Because the more he relies on its power the worse the infection will become.

She could give him training in how to control his powers but it would not be easy and he would have to remain inside of this room until his containment suit was complete.

The training was indeed as hard as she warned it would be. The kind of physical training that would destroy a human body combined with strict mental discipline sessions and long hours of study into demonology and the occult all while wearing a techno-magic suit that made it extremely difficult to even move while also dampening his demonic powers for his own safety.

The final exam involved being transported to an island in another dimension covered in monsters and man-eating plants to survive while Death Sentence watched over him and mentally quizzed him over all of his knowledge.

He passed with flying colors and he was finally allowed to become her sidekick for awhile until he heard about a team being assembled by The Chase Siblings and decided to look into it.


Demonically Enhanced Physiology.

User with this ability either is or can transform into a demon, an evil spirit, fallen angel or Satanic divinity. Most commonly user retains their general form but with some additions; horns, claws, fangs and tail are common, as are wings, more fit (muscular and/or larger) body and color change (red, blue or black dominate) but there are several kinds of demons who are far less humanoid, varying from strange, surreal or even absolutely horrific.

Their  physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over others in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than regular beings (in that verse). 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Heroes: Captain Valiant

AGE: 30's.

HEIGHT: 6'12

WEIGHT: 410 lbs. All Muscle.


The Fearless Leader Of The Protectors.

He's Superman Mixed With Captain America!
Which would basically be Super Soldier but I digress!

Basically The Positive Version Of Homelander.

His Origin Story involves him arriving in the world through a portal that appeared as a shimmering misty window in the air. A pierce chanting noise projected from the portal and a small banged up life preservation pod flew out of it and landed on the ground not far from a government laboratory.

Eventually a pair of scientists, Perceival Pierson and Ivy Sharp, eventually worked up the courage to approach the ship and they stepped over to take a look at it. A blue light shined out of the ship and scanned them, identified them as suitable guardians for the infant inside and designated them as the infant's parents and it slowly opened up to reveal a baby with life support equipment attached to it that slowly detached itself after finishing decontamination procedures.

Unsure of what else to do, they took the child in....


Naturally the baby was quarantined for a little while and everyone who had contact with the alien lifeform were quarantined briefly and checked out. The baby received some shots and had blood work done...after the initial set of needles broke against its skin and they managed to figure out a way to help it.

There was a lot of discussion about what to do with the alien baby before they eventually settled on raising it as a human child while still bringing him into the labs for regular checkups and progress reports.

Since the baby responded best to them and the ship had already named them as the parents anyway, Perceival and Ivy played parents to the baby.

They even gave him a name since they couldn't pronounce the alien name the ship game: Princeton.

Raising a super strong baby was a challenge even for the two geniuses and things got crazier when his other powers started developing. Think similar to the Jack-Jack Shorts from The Incredibles Movies but not quite as many powers.


Rather than being freaked out by his growing powers though they looked at them through scientific lenses and had fun coming up with theories based around how his powers functioned and working with the others to help him get control of them.

After numerous tests and study of his abilities they came up with multiple explanations based around how they functioned and built on the theories as he grew older and developed new powers.


Superhuman Strength (or Super-strength) is the biological ability
of a DNA Alternate to reduce the production of functional myostatin, allowing muscles to grow more dense and tougher. Marked by great physical power, the Alternate exerts a force from the muscles far beyond that of a human. It is believed that the user's muscles are tighter and more dense than that of a normal human, giving them increased strength. If this theory is correct, the ability must also confer a high degree of durability, without which any use of enhanced strength would strip the user's muscles from their bones, which would themselves snap under the strain. An alternative theory is that the user possesses a form of subconsciously directed Telekinesis which provides a boost to the user's physical strength without the need for widespread muscular and skeletal augmentation. Such an individual would be able to activate their enhanced strength at will.

Superhuman Endurance is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to develop a web of osteoderms in their skin, creating a flexible but durable shell that is invisible to the naked eye. The Alternate resists excessive and harsh damage more than an average human being. The skin can be bulletproof, knife proof, and all but immune to concussive force. 

Superhuman Hearing is a subcategory of superhuman senses and is a biological mutation. This ability enables the DNA Alternate to hear sounds beyond the range of normal human hearing, in volume and pitch, and gives them a greater sensitivity to sound, enabling them to detect small variances. The extent of this increased range and sensitivity is dependant on the individual. Recorded cases have indicated the possibility of hearing rain falling 40 miles away, the footfalls of insects and the smallest change in a heartbeat. Combining this last capability with being able to detect subtle changes in tone may allow the Alternate to detect emotions.

When this ability first manifests it commonly causes headaches and insomnia due to a painful oversensitivity to sound. However with time, a certain amount of control can be exercised, allowing specific sounds to be distinguished from the ambient noise. A quiet conversation could be picked out from across a crowded room and a single heartbeat focussed upon. However the Alternate will remain oversensitive to loud noises and this can be their greatest weakness.

Superhuman reflexes is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to increase the speed of nerve clusters firing, allowing them to react to stimuli faster than a normal human's capacity allows. The Alternate can dodge bullets, catch flies mid-air and normally react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. The Alternate can dodge fists easily, reacting to the punch as the attacker is still preparing it.

Superhuman senses is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to improve Thalamus efficiency and compartmentalize sensory nerves, allowing them to parse out very specific details with their senses. They can feel the smallest indentation in a wall with a touch; they can distinguish smells from miles away; they can even taste hints of things that have been long washed-off, or see details in an object or subject from further away than normal humans. The Alternate can possibly even hear the footsteps of an ant in the grass. The Alternate will be overwhelmed at first, but will gain control with experience.

The Alternate may experience it for some or all of their senses.

Examples of possible applications include:
  • Being able to read in the dark by feeling the presence of ink on paper.
  • Tracking people by their scent.
  • Being able to detect individual ingredients in food by taste.
  • Being able to see better in the dark, more clearly, and at greater distances.
  • Listening to subtle chances in voice and heartbeat to detect emotions, etc.

There are, of course, an infinite number of applications the Alternate could come up with. It is important to note that the enhanced sight aspect of this ability does not grant x-ray vision.
The Alternate occasionally demonstrates other senses that usually remain latent in normal people. A superhuman sense of spacial awareness, for example, could grant the Alternate a better understanding and tracking of objects in space.
Superhuman Speed (or Superspeed) is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to enlarge their suprachiasmatic nuclei, increasing their circadian rhythm exponentially, and allowing them to operate at a higher speed. The Alternate with this ability can often move faster than the speed of sound and may be nearly impossible to catch on video cameras, even completely slowed down. If the Alternate does not wish to be caught, in general, they won't be.
The increased circadian rhythm has a number of side effects, not the least of which is a vastly heightened metabolism. The Alternate will consume exponentially more calories to fuel their enhanced speed, and their body will respond by healing injuries more quickly. The Alternate will think fast, talk fast, and age fast. Most Alternates with superhuman speed do not live past seventy.
Echolocation (also called Bisonar) is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to determine the distance and direction of objects using sound. Echolocation works like active sonar, using sounds made by a the Alternate. Ranging is done by measuring the time delay between the Alternate's own sound emission and any echoes that return from the environment. Echolocating animals have two ears positioned slightly apart, facing forward. Somehow, Alternates who have this ability compensate.
There are two separate ways to accomplish this for Alternates. The first way is for the Alternate to emit a certain frequency that acts as their range-finder. This requires an active use the ability, meaning it's not always active. The second possible way is that the Alternate is capable of taking existing sounds and using them as a range. If this is the case then sudden loud noises could short out or distort the ability. Those with the later have a slightly enhanced sense of hearing. It is not as good as those with a dedicated ability, but certainly better than the normal human.
In either case with echolocation, the Alternate can see not only where they are going in an area void of light, but also how big another object is, what it is, and other features. However the drawbacks change depending on which form of the ability is manifested.
Enhanced Vision is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to alter the way their eyes perceive light, allowing them to see at greater distances, higher magnifications, and even other shades of the spectrum. The following manifestations deal with enhanced visual perception, in one manner or the other. The Alternate may manifest in more than one way, but rarely more than two.
Ecto-Vision is one of the more nebulous of vision-based abilities. It is essentially the ability to perceive the electromagnetic interference of a human body. Also referred to as soul-vision, individuals with this ability detect an aura around all living things. The intensity of the aura waxes and wanes depending upon the charge of the target in question.
Heat Vision is the ability in which beams of intense radiation are projected from within the eyes. Humans with heat vision are able to vary the intensity of the beams, ranging from (usually invisible) beams that can warm a person gently to high-powered beams with temperatures similar to those generated in a nuclear explosion. It ranges from thin beams, capable of performing minute welding and cutting tasks, to evaporating small lakes. 
Night Vision is the ability to perceive darkness in as though it were light. In biological night vision, molecules of rhodopsin in the rods of the eye undergo a change in shape as light is absorbed by them. Rhodopsin is the chemical that allows night-vision, and is extremely sensitive to light. It is believed evolved humans with this ability have a tissue layer called the tapetum lucidum in the back of the eye that reflects light back through the retina, increasing the amount of light available for it to capture. This ability can be used to see at night or in a darkened environment (like a cave) as though it were well-lit. Characters with the aforementioned animalistic physiology have better night vision through the use of a larger optical aperture, improved retina composition that can detect weaker light over a larger spectral range, more photo efficient optics in the eye, and improved neurological filtering which is more tolerant of noise.
Telescopic Vision is the ability to see far beyond the normal sight range of a human. Characters with telescopic vision can observe objects over remote distances. Their eyesight automatically focuses for distance, and they can see things that are far away with the same degree of clarity that they would if the objects were very close. This power works similarly to a zoom lens on a camera. 
Infrared Vision is the ability to detect radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. This can often be used to trace patterns of heat, indicating an invisible presence or high-output energy sources. People with this ability can adjust their spectral range so as to be perceive types of light that are usually invisible to normal humans meaning they can also have improved vision at night without the animalistic physiology, though their vision in the dark would be weaker than that of someone with the physiology for it. This ability could, in theory, work in place of Night Vision, but only at close ranges. 
X-Ray Vision is the ability to see through solid objects. Depending upon an individual's mastery of this power, they can adjust the depth of their perception to varying degrees. X-Ray vision can be used to see through material of low mass and volume such as articles of clothing, or it can be used to see through denser materials such as concrete buildings or mountains. X-Ray vision does not enhance an individual's perceptual range however, unless supplemented by another vision-based power, such as Telescopic vision. Since X-Ray vision is a form of ionized radiation, people with this power cannot use it to see through items made of lead or zinc.
Seismic Burst (also known as Shockwave Emission) is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to generate a localized exothermic reaction of explosive force, with very specific limitations. The Alternate creates narrow cones of thermal and concussive force, fueled by chemical energy in their body. The strength of the burst is determined by the Alternate.
The Alternate uses their own chemical energy to fuel the bursts, and they must replenish that energy after extended use.
Metallic Exoskeleton is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to produce metal in the pores of the epidermal layer that spreads to encompass the body in a flexible, organic metal shell. This shell is theoretically shed when the increase in adrenal activity subsides and the sudden rush of adrenaline that brought the shell about ceases.
The metallic exoskeleton is of a previously unknown element that seems partially organic. The element is extremely durable, exceeding both steel and titanium. The element is flexible enough that normal movement is not hampered. The exoskeleton allows for drastically increased physical strength, while also causing the Alternate to become significantly heavier.
Lung Adaptation is is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to improve their respiratory system to process any gas or liquid for oxygen. The Alternate could breathe underwater, or in a room filled with smoke, or other usually poisonous gases. The lungs need some exposure to adapt, anywhere from a single breath to several, and the adaptation may only last a short time.
The Alternate could potentially exhale breathable air, allowing them to act as a respirator for someone else underwater. 
Flight is the ability by which one achieves sustained movement through the air by Gyrokinesis. This allows the flier to manipulate their gravitational field, and fly by simply being immune to the effects of gravity.
One with this ability is capable of soaring through the skies within the atmosphere, at a height which does not generate too much air pressure to humanly survive.
Aerial Adaptation or Flight Adaptation allows the user to withstand extreme wind pressures (so one isn't disoriented or deprived of normal breathing capacity by them) along with immunity to vertigo; this ability is innate for fliers (so it is counted along with Flight as an ability). Aerial Adaptations also allow a flier perceive their surroundings when flying at incredible speeds, allow them to survive the pressurized winds, heat created by supersonic flight, ability to breathe in low-oxygen levels of the atmosphere. 
Vacuum Adaptation or Space Adaptation allows the body of the user to survive in space unaided, withstand atmospheres, cosmic mediums and strange gravity (even sometimes that of a dangerous vacuum) and perhaps propel oneself into space. 
Pyrokinesis is the ability to mentally generate and manipulate fire. Someone with this ability can manipulate existing fires, and can consume his body in flame and/or hurl fire at foes. One with this ability could even ignite fires to keep them from going out or to warm them. However, as each individual is unique, while one person with this ability may not be able to coat themselves in fire or hurl fire at any point, another person could, meaning that some or all of this power may be evident in any given individual. Sometimes a manifestation will mutate beyond the original manifestation and an increase in powers will come over time. 
Eidetic Memory (or Photographic Memory, Enhanced Memory) is the ability to remember things much more readily than a normal human (this usually entails comprehending and remembering visual information). Those with superhuman memories usually only need to read or hear something once and they will never forget it again (they may have a hard time recalling it, though after learning numerous other things). If one with this ability tried to retain too much knowledge at one time, it can cause fatal mental damage.
Adoptive Muscle Memory (also referred to as muscle mimicry or photographic reflexes) is the biological ability of a DNA Alternate to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed once. This does not have to be in person, but can be witnessed via the television or movie, a computer program, or even if a telepath could impress the images and movements inside the Alternate's mind. It does not require active concentration to achieve the same result with the person simply knowing how to do something physically and being able to perform it.
This process occurs via enhanced nervous signals in muscle tissue, allowing what the brain sees and intends to be fully communicated to the musculature. Nevertheless, the Alternate cannot adopt any physical actions that are beyond their physical ability. For example, the Alternate could watch someone swing a heavy weapon in a complicated series of attacks, but if the Alternate could not lift the weapon, they could not adopt the actions. 

The Scientists would later use the knowledge of superhuman abilities they gained from studying the child to categorize the developing number of other powers in the world over the years.

Over the years of raising the super child, Perceival and Ivy even grew closer and eventually married.

Not everything was peaceful however. There was butting of heads between the scientists and the military who wanted to raise the child as a weapon and utilize it to produce more of them.

Fortunately this was settled when Nattalie Williams, Leader Of The Sabers, A Secret Intelligence Agency Within The Government, stepped in and addressed it. While she was curious about the kids potential, she realized that raising him just as a weapon could lead to instability in the future and it would be healthier for him and better for the world in the long run if they stayed the course.

A few years later, she brought in child adventurers named Alex and Anna Chase to help with his socialization and the kids got along great. Princey was in fact very excited to finally meet kids his own age who had powers and he eagerly wanted to join him on one but his parents insisted he stay at home since they were worried about what could happen to him.

So instead Alex and Anna spun wild stories about the adventures they and their family would go on together when they weren't playing together or studying their powers. Alex being a child genius was able to point out a few different aspects of his powers that some of the older scientists missed.

Eventually Princeton was allowed to join the genius school that Alex and Anna attended, Cypress Academy, and he got to play and study with other kids.

Things were fun and playful for awhile until one day during a field trip when attacked by The Flaming Assassins, enemies of the Chase Family, and the kids had to team up with their security detail and the Chase Family to defeat them. It was a rough fight but they pulled it off fortunately without too much damage. Despite it being Princeton's first real fight he carried himself well and they were celebrated as heroes.

 Princeton was utterly elated to finally have a chance to show off his powers. While it did blow his identity, he was too elated at the moment to care. His parents gave him several checkups when he got back of course but he was fine and eager to go on another adventure with Alex and Anna. 

Security detail around him was bumped up afterwords of course but he was still allowed to hang out with the siblings and go to school where he was a celebrity. When he wasn't attending school he was either working at home in the labs or sneaking off on adventures with the siblings. 

Life was good. 

But there was another who distrusted him. A soldier who was turned into an unwitting snake in their garden: Breaker Slaughter


A violent soldier well known to his comrades for his brutality and savagery on the battlefield. he was a Nice Guy at one time, just trying to take care of his buddies and protect his home — but then he saw or experienced something that broke him inside, and now he just wants to get things done as efficiently as possible. Originally, he was  neither stupid, crazy, nor angry, just 'pragmatic'. I Did What I Had to Do was practically his mantra; if the easiest solution that has the smallest potential body count on his side is also unbelievably brutal and cruel, he'd employ it nonetheless and worry about the horror of what he did after the fact. He was fully aware that the things he was doing could be considered horrible and unforgivable, but kept moving forward to see his comrades through the battlefields so they could all go home. 

Breaker had an inherent distrust of the Supers, even more so regarding 'The Alien'. 'The Alien' was growing in power every day and despite raising his concerns about it to the upper brass he was told not to worry about it.

They'd continue on the current path of raising him to be a good person with friends and a loving family. It was a long-term plan but it would pay off in the long run with a loyal superbeing who was friends with everyone and who was happy and eager to protect people. It would be fine. So just play along.

He was assigned a therapist regardless and talking to her helped him to cope a bit better.

Unfortunately a third party got involved and selected him as an unwitting pawn to test a new drug they were developing and use him to get at the siblings and their friend.

While he was away his home was outfitted some surprises and when he returned home to take time off after a rough mission, the trap was sprung. His medication was replaced with the drug and he began being covertly dosed with an air version of it.

The drug did its job. It gradually made him faster and stronger but at the cost of making him increasingly more paranoid of those around him. His already present issues were brought screaming back with a vengeance, driving him mad with fear and anger over 'The Alien' and the Supers.

He began scheming out how to take them out and made special preparations. 

Once everything was set and ready to go, Breaker decided to target 'The Alien' since he was the biggest growing threat.

He tricked Princeton, then around 14-15yo, into going into a building to scout it out and save some captured civilians.

Despite searching the place, Princeton didn't find anything.

That was when Breaker pressed a button on a remote trigger device and activated the Sonic Disruptors he had littered the building with and overwhelmed Princeton's super hearing. Princeton fell to his knees screaming in pain.

After torturing him with these, Breaker activated the C4 and Semtex he had lined it with. The explosion utterly obliterated the building.

Breaker ran from his position to the truck he'd hidden in the area ahead of time and drove it into position.

Eventually Princeton stumbled out of the flames, banged up from the explosion and with his ears still ringing but he was doing alright all things considered.

That was when Breaker began opened fire on him with a Browning M2 Aircraft Machine Gun firing .50 Calibur Armor Piercing Incendiary Rounds from the back of the truck. A human would've been pulped but Princeton was able to withstand the rain of gunfire. He was knocked around and certainly hurt from the gunfire exploding on him. Even screaming at Breaker to stop but he survived the shots long enough to retaliate with a blast of heat vision that blew up the truck and forced him to jump off of it. Breaker rolled away from the blast and came back around with a six barreled motorized minigun that fired 8mm NATO Rounds and continued his assault on the boy. Despite his clear injuries Princeton was able to withstand the bullets long enough to let loose with another blast of heat vision that melted the gun.

Breaker dropped it and ran inside of the building where he had more weapons stored. Princeton fell to one knee and took the brief break to catch his breath. He was hurt, he was burnt, his ears were ringing, his body had cuts and bruises all over and he had no idea WHY he was being attacked like this! He hadn't done anything to Breaker that he knew of! So why was he doing this to him? He wiped the tears from his eyes and got up to his feet and looked around for the soldier.

Thanks to his Ecto-Vision he was able to track him down and watched as he aimed a rocket launcher out the window aimed directly at him. Princeton stared him down. He might be in bad shape but Breaker had lost the element of surprise. He fired the rocket at him but Princeton dodged it and ran towards him. Breaker ate a handful of the drugs and clenched his fists. Princeton jumped into the room and blasted his weapons cache with his heat vision and blew them away. Breaker leaped out of the window and rolled to his feet. Princeton walked out of the flames and then he jumped at Breaker and threw a hard right punch at him. Only for Breaker to block it and retaliate with a brutal series of punches and kicks and elbow strikes and knee strikes of his own and sent him flying.

Princeton by all rights was still considerably stronger and tougher than him but he was injured and off balance while Breaker was loaded up on super roids and had considerably more fighting experience and combat skills over him.

He knocked Princeton around for a bit until he faked him out with a punch that he blocked only for Princeton to unleash a Seismic Burst at the last second and knocked him over. Once Breaker was off balance, Princeton was finally able to land a solid hit on him and he kicked Breaker in the groin and then he sent him flying into a building with a savage left hook.

Breaker went clean through the wall of the building they'd just fought in and he hit his head on the opposite wall. As he was getting up Princeton flew through the hole and tackled him through that one! He carried Breaker up into the air a few feet, tossed him into the air and delivered a hard punch to his stomach and released a Seismic Burst at the same time that sent him flying a considerable distance away.

In total, Princeton had landed between five and six hits, while holding back, and Breaker was already laying on the ground and having trouble getting up.

Princeton then tackled him again and tossed him away. 

Breaker tried to hide from him but Princeton was able to find him no matter where he hid and bring the pain.

Breaker was able to land a few more hits but Princeton ultimately dominated the fight from that point onwards until he knocked him out.

Alex and the others arrived on the battlefield to see Princeton dragging Breaker around the corner. Princeton tossed him over to them and then passed out from his injuries. Anna caught him.

Breaker was secured in the medical wing and tests on his blood uncovered the drugs in his system. His house was raided and investigated and more of the drugs and the air delivery stem were discovered. Someone had set him up.

Princeton meanwhile recovered in another one and his family and friends comforted him and kept him company as his body healed over a few days.

After recovering from his injuries and his body strengthening itself from the recovery, he chilled with his friends and got caught up on what had happened to Breaker: He'd been drugged and manipulated into attacking Princeton. Someone wanted him dead and they were willing to turn a soldier into a murderer to accomplish it.

A full on investigation was launched and after a prolonged investigation into the drugs source and battles with several dangerous villains they discovered that old enemies of the Chase Family,  The Dread Brigade's Council Of Crime, a sinister criminal organization that functions as the autocratic superpower of the criminal world. It maintains an iron grip on the Black Market, commands battalions of armed guards and controls large sectors of land. Its influence might extend towards law enforcement, labor unions, politicians and corporations, whether through blackmail, bribery, coercion or simple business. Its many activities include racketeering, extortion, kidnapping, gambling, smuggling and trafficking.

This discovery launched a prolonged battle against them that stretched on for nearly three years until he was around 17 years old and the heroes finally brought them down, crushing the Council down to the dirt and arresting all of their members.

This victory, collapsing an international criminal organization and freeing the world from their grip, propelled Princeton and his friends to super stardom and international fame.

Princeton, then known as Valiance, found himself being held up as a symbol of heroism and peace and justice and hope etc. alongside his friends which he wasn't entirely prepared for at the time but he rolled with it alongside his friends.


Now a superstar, Valiance started helping people more publicly practically 24/7. If you had a problem, no matter how small, he would be there to offer whatever help you needed. Even if it was something like moving furniture or trying to find keys or a lost pet, he'd help you out with a smile on his face and then wish you good day.

Whenever he had some free time he would go looking for other Heroes or Powered Individuals and ask them if they wanted to join the team they were putting together. Princeton being Princeton, he had a tendency to recruit people with some of the most random powers or talents into the team. It got to the point that the siblings set up a talent agency for Powered Individuals that, even if you didn't necessarily want to become a Superhero, they could offer you training with your power alongside job training and they could help you find a job suited for your power or a normal job if you want.

It quickly took off and soon they turned their Super Agency into an international franchise dedicated to helping people.

Gradually they built the team from heroically minded individuals around the world with a wide mix of Powered, Badass Normals, Mystics and others, they assembled a team of Protectors who would guard the world against threats.

Princeton eventually became to the team's leader and thus changed his superhero identity from Valiance to Captain Valiant complete with a redesign of his costume.

Princeton has fought and beaten several tough customers over the course of his life,

Alchemical Fire

Baron Archivory


Blasphemous Pharoah

Duke Riverbash



Marcus De Vile

Master Cremation

Miss Radium


Vandal Thunder

Among many others and every time he's come out on top.

He has saved the world time after time.

But certain questions have forever haunted his mind: Where did he come from and what happened to his people?